Staatsbosbeheer starts with e-invoicing via tradeinterop, to process incoming invoices more efficiently and sustainably. Low-threshold connection options make it easy for suppliers to switch to e-invoicing.
Staatsbosbeheer is switching to e-invoicing because XML invoices can be processed automatically and no longer require manual intervention. “This saves us a lot of time,” says Bas Avis, Project Manager for e-invoicing at Staatsbosbeheer. “In addition, the quality of incoming invoices is much higher than that of the Optical Charachter Recognition software we were using. Through Tradeinterop, we receive e-invoices with more invoice details. The validation of invoice data, such as order number and cost centre, ensures that an invoice goes through our process faster.”
Connecting suppliers to e-invoicing
After an extensive test, Staatsbosbeheer is now ready to connect all its suppliers to e-invoicing. “Suppliers are actively approached with the request to send e-invoices,” says Bas. “We have a large number of suppliers and the majority of them only submit a few invoices each month. Tradeinterop’s tooling will help us automate this process and make it as easy as possible for suppliers to switch.” Suppliers can deliver their e-invoices in different ways and formats. This keeps the impact on suppliers’ processes as low as possible.
Insight into invoice flows
Staatsbosbeheer gains insight into the invoice flows with the help of dashboards. “With our dashboards, Staatsbosbeheer has real-time insight into its incoming invoice flows,” says Jaap Jan Nienhuis, e-procurement expert at tradeinterop. “With this information, Staatsbosbeheer can quickly adapt and further optimise the onboarding process where necessary.”
About Staatsbosbeheer
Staatsbosbeheer manages the green heritage of the Netherlands; they protect 273,000 ha of nature, which can be experienced and used sustainably together with and for others.
Are you a supplier of Staatsbosbeheer? On this page you will find more information about the possibilities of submitting e-invoices.
Want to know more about receiving e-invoices for your organisation? Then read more on this page or download the white paper ‘Successful e-Invoicing‘ for free.