Making e-invoicing really successful? This is possible with

Supplier onboarding

What is supplier onboarding?

Supplier onboarding is helping your suppliers switch to e-invoicing.

How does onboarding work?

We are happy to tell you which steps are important when onboarding suppliers.

Onboarding yourself or outsourcing?

You can do supplier onboarding yourself, or you can hire expertise.

What is supplier onboarding?

To take advantage of all the benefits of receiving e-invoices, you need your suppliers. After all, they are the ones who have to deliver the e-invoices. To ensure that your organisation receives as many e-invoices as possible, ask them to make the switch to e-invoicing. This process of educating, informing and supporting your suppliers in switching to e-invoicing is called supplier sonboarding.

Organisations that want to receive e-invoices often start with the technical implementation. Very logical, but still it is good to think about the onboarding of your suppliers before the implementation. For example, your suppliers may already be able to deliver e-invoices through a certain channel or many of them may not use accounting software. These are all things you can take into account when implementing e-invoicing. This allows you to make it as easy as possible for your suppliers to deliver e-invoices, which ultimately results in more e-invoices.

supplier onboarding

How does supplier onboarding work?

Get insight

Where is your organisation now in terms of invoice processing? Get insights to base your strategy on that.

Our quick scan will help you gain this insight.

Assemble your team

Make sure you put together a multidisciplinary team in which all relevant roles and functions are represented.

Read more about this in our white paper Collaboration3.

Define the strategy

How do you proceed? Establish communication objectives, responsibilities and agreements.

Listen to our podcast on onboarding.

Approach your suppliers

Ask your suppliers to switch to e-invoicing. Provide support, monitor invoice flows and make adjustments where necessary.

Read more about this in our white paper Onboarding.

Onboard your suppliers yourself or outsource?

Successfully onboarding suppliers requires knowledge, experience, a good strategy and the right tools (for monitoring the e-invoice flow and communication and testing e-invoices).

However, many organisations do not have all these components in place. In that case, it is wise to look for a partner, such as tradeinterop, who can help your organisation in this regard. Want to know more about how we can help you onboard your suppliers? If so, feel free to contact us using the form below.

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