Peppol service providers are required to make recipients connected to Peppol through them discoverable in the ‘Peppol address book’, consisting of the central SML (Service Metadata Locator) and associated decentralized SMP (Service Metadata Publisher).
In the Netherlands, service providers can use the SMP of the Dutch Peppol Authority. However, as of January 1, 2023, this is no longer possible. This means that service providers will have to organize the registration of recipients in the Peppol network themselves. This can be done by developing an SMP yourself or by connecting to the SMP of a provider like tradeinterop.
Tradeinterop has had its own SMP since 2020. This SMP is used not only by us, but also by several major software vendors. Connecting to our SMP is very easy. It’s a matter of plug and play.
Would you like more information about our SMP or rates? Feel free to contact us using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.