Is your organisation going to start sending and/or receiving e-invoices and do you want to be able to use the secure Peppol network for this?
E-invoicing via tradeinterop’s e-invoicing platform is ideal for organisations that are looking for a full-service solution. You don’t have to worry about data storage, maintenance, updates, format conversion and necessary certificates. You can connect to the Tradeinterop e-invoicing platform with your existing software and we will take care of this:
By connecting to the tradeinterop e-invoicing platform, you can send and receive e-invoices via various channels, including the secure Peppol network.
We convert all your e-invoices to and from the correct format.
This applies to both incoming and outgoing invoices, regardless of the channel chosen (such as Peppol).
Validating and enriching incoming invoices enables faster processing. The invoice processing can be further optimised.
All your e-invoices are stored in your online archive. Your e-invoices are stored here for seven years.
If you also send or receive e-orders, these will also be stored in this archive.
We offer suppliers who do not have e-invoicing capabilities a user-friendly portal to manually create and send e-invoices.
This enables e-invoicing for all your suppliers.
Do you have specific requirements for the connection with our platform? This is possible with customised integration.
Do you want to receive more e-invoices from your suppliers? We also offer support in supplier onboarding.
Do you want to send and/or receive e-invoices via Peppol and keep your billing or invoice processing in-house? Then ‘Peppol Access Point as a Service’ is a good fit for your organisation. More detailed information on this topic can be found in our free downloadable white paper ‘Secure e-invoicing for large organisations‘.