Invoicing via Peppol with AutoDoc HSE

As an AutoDoc HSE user, you probably also get more and more requests to send e-invoices. Most organisations in the Netherlands use Peppol for exchanging e-invoices.

Peppol is an international network that allows trade documents such as orders and invoices to be exchanged in a standardised and secure way. Not only companies but also, for example, the central government uses this network.

E-invoicing via Peppol

E-invoicing with AutoDoc HSE

AutoDoc HSE offers the ability to generate and send an e-invoice (UBL) via e-mail. To use this, AutoDoc must first be set up correctly. An IT consulting company like InControl can do this for you. They set up AutoDoc so that it automatically creates and sends a UBL file.

Because AutoDoc HSE is not connected to Peppol, you need a service provider like tradeinterop. With tradeinterop, you can send your e-invoices directly from AutoDoc HSE via Peppol to your customer. It works as follows:
1. Create an account at tradeinterop
2. Mail tradeinterop the list of customers you want to send e-invoices to and which subscription you choose
3. You will receive from tradeinterop the list of email addresses linked to your customers
4. Start emailing your e-invoices
5. Replace the old e-mail address in Exact with the newly supplied address. If it involves a large number of customers, InControl can help you with this.

When you created your account, you also gained access to the tradeinterop portal. In the portal, you will find an overview of e-invoices sent and you can see the sending status for each invoice. You can read more about this in this article.

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