Tradeinterop ISO 27001 certified

Since 31 March, tradeinterop has been officially ISO 27001:2017 certified. A great step, officially demonstrating our compliance with all information security requirements.

Tradeinterop previously held an ISAE 3402 type II statement for its management processes. As the ISAE 3402 control framework is more difficult to test against a generic standard, we chose to structure our control measures around information security based on ISO 27001. To this end, an Information Security Management System (ISMS) was set up in the past period, which led to ISO certification after a successful audit.

Security of your data

With this ISO certification, we demonstrate that our business processes and information security are in order and that our practices are aimed at continuously controlling and improving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of (customer) information.


Our ISO certification is valid for three years. During this period, interim audits are carried out by the accredited organisation Brand Compliance. Would you like more substantive information about our ISO certification? Feel free to contact us.

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