More and more financial software packages can send e-invoices. If this is not possible via Peppol, it is often possible to send the e-invoice (XML file) by e-mail.
It is important that it is a real e-invoice and NOT a PDF invoice. If you are unsure whether your financial software can handle e-invoicing, it is best to check with your software supplier.
Staatsbosbeheer supports the following formats:
– SETU (hiring invoices)
– Energie eFactuur
Is the format that your software can mail not listed? Then contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Can your software not send e-invoices by email or via Peppol? Then you can use the Tradeinterop e-invoicing portal. You can find more information here.
Your e-invoice must contain an order reference. This is the order number or cost centre number you received from Staatsbosbeheer. Order numbers always start with 50 or 55 followed by 6 digits and cost center numbers start with BEC followed by 3 digits, e.g. 50123456 or BEC019.
The order reference must be entered in the OrderReference/ID field. In most software, this is a standard field when creating an invoice. If this field is not activated by default, your software supplier can tell you where to find it in your software.
Delivery address
You can send your e-invoices by e-mail. If your software offers the option, we would like to receive the e-invoice with the PDF as an attachment at this e-mail address:
Please note! The above e-mail address can only be used for sending e-invoices.
Payment reminders for Staatsbosbeheer can be sent to: