The tradeinterop e-invoicing portal

E-invoicing to Staatsbosbeheer

Easy e-invoicing

E-invoicing portal

With our e-invoicing portal, organisations can create and send e-invoices to Staatsbosbeheer quickly, easily and without cost. After activating the account for your organisation, you can start using e-invoicing immediately.

Would you prefer to deliver your e-invoices via Peppol or by email? On this page you will find an overview of all possibilities.

Activate account

Step 1

Go to the portal website: and click on the ‘Wachtwoord vergeten’ link.

Step 2

To log in and when requesting a password, use the e-mail address at which you received the e-mail from Staatsbosbeheer (about e-invoicing).

Step 3

Go through the remaining steps to create the password. If you wish, you can find a step-by-step plan with the corresponding screenshots on our support website. (This is a reference to a Dutch article. Click on the link and type ‘status’ in the search bar for the English translation.)

Frequently asked questions

How do I get an account on the portal?
If you have received an email from tradeinterop saying you can activate your account, then Staatsbosbeheer has already created an account for you. If you have not received this email, you can indicate to Staatsbosbeheer that you want to use the portal. They will create an account for you. You can request an account by sending an email to

How do I create an invoice in the portal?
The video below shows you how to create an e-invoice. You can also follow the steps in this article.
Please note: In the field ‘customer order number’, please enter the order number or cost centre number that you received from Staatsbosbeheer. Order numbers always start with 50 or 55 followed by 6 digits and cost center numbers start with BEC followed by 3 digits, e.g. 50123456 or BEC019.

How can I add attachments to my invoice?

You can easily add attachments by dragging them into the attachment field. You can also upload attachments by clicking on the attachment field. You can read more about it in this article.

How do I know if my invoice has been sent?
In the portal you can see the status of your invoice. In this article you can read where to find this. Here you can also read how to view or download a sent invoice.

Where can I send payment reminders?
Reminders can be sent to Staatsbosbeheer via email:

Questions about e-invoicing

Are there any costs associated with using the portal?

Until 15 October 2024, you can send e-invoices to the Forestry Commission free of charge.

Client: Staatsbosbeheer
Contractor: You as the supplier

The Client will bear the cost of tradeinterop for the Contractor for sending e-invoices to the Forestry Commission from 01-05-2021 to 15-10-2024. The client will then evaluate this process and possibly bear the costs for a subsequent period.

If you want to send e-invoices to other organisations than those mentioned above, costs will be charged.

If you also want to send e-invoices via the portal or the e-mail connection to organisations other than Staatsbosbeheer, there will be a charge for this. More information about the possibilities and rates can be found on this page.