Can I convert a PDF invoice to an e-invoice?

A PDF invoice is the same as an e-invoice, right? It may seem so, but a PDF is certainly not the same as an e-invoice. In this article, we explain what the differences are and how to create an e-invoice.

Why is a PDF not an e-invoice?

PDF is a file format made for humans. It has formatting, which makes the document clear for us. A PDF invoice is entered at the recipient manually or using OCR software.

from pdf to e-invoice

OCR software recognises the characters on the PDF and converts it to a format that computer software can read. Because OCR always involves interpretation, errors can occur. For example, an order number can have different notations, such as: ‘order no’, ‘reference number’, ‘customer ref. no’. The OCR system must correctly interpret the meaning of the data. PDFs processed with OCR should therefore always be checked manually.

A UBL invoice is not easy for people to read. It is a file with a lot of code. However, your client’s accounting or ERP software knows exactly which data belongs in which place. The data does not need to be converted and interpreted again, it is taken over 1-to-1 by the receiving software. This allows the invoice to be entered correctly and automatically, without manual operations.

Can I convert a PDF to an e-invoice (UBL)?

It is possible to convert a PDF via an OCR process, but this is an expensive and error-prone process that is not needed with an e-invoice. In addition, an e-invoice converted from PDF is not accepted in the secure Peppol network, which is used to submit e-invoices to the central government, for example.

How do I create an e-invoice?

Many accounting and ERP packages are capable of creating an e-invoice. There are different formats of e-invoices, but UBL is the most widely used in the Netherlands. Some major ERP packages have their own e-invoice format. In that case, format conversion is often required to convert the invoice to a format your customer can receive.

How do I send an e-invoice?

The two most common ways to send an e-invoice are e-mail and Peppol. If your accounting or ERP software can generate an e-invoice, you can also send it by e-mail. E-mail is an unsecured channel, which is why more and more recipients want to receive their invoices via Peppol. This is a secure European network over which electronic documents can be exchanged.

An increasing number of software vendors allow e-invoices to be sent directly from their software via this secure network. If your software cannot do this, you can use an e-invoicing service provider to still send the invoices via Peppol.

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