I use a different e-invoice format than my customer/supplier; how do I handle that?

Format conversion

Format differences are no problem with format conversion

Different software packages support different formats. It may be that your software package supports one format, but your customer or supplier supports a slightly different format. The direct exchange of electronic documents then leads to problems.

Format conversion is required in order to be able to issue e-invoices easily. Format conversion converts one electronic format into another electronic format. This allows you to e-invoice in the format that your software supports and your customer or supplier can e-invoice in the format that their software supports. This makes cooperation with your customers and suppliers much easier.

Which formats does tradeinterop support?

  • UBL
    tradeinterop supports numerous variants of the UBL format. This format is widely used in the Netherlands and is built into most software packages.

    We also support various formats that are common in the construction and installation industries. This also allows you to send and receive electronic invoices in the INSBOU format.

  • HR-XML
    We also support various invoice formats that are common in the temporary employment industry. This allows you to send and receive invoices in this format.

  • SAP IDoc
    The SAP software has its own e-invoice format, IDOC. Tradeinterop supports this format native for SAP users. If you want to send an e-invoice from or to SAP software, we will convert an IDoc from or to UBL, for example.

  • Others
    This overview lists the most common formats, but we support many more. Is your format not listed? Then please contact us.

format conversion e-invoicing

Can your software package handle electronic invoicing?

  • If your software package supports a format, it can easily link to tradeinterop.

  • You can often find settings for e-invoicing under the ‘shipping method’ on the customer card or in the settings of your financial software.

  • If you do not know whether your software supports this, please contact the helpdesk of your software package.

  • See also our guide: Setting up your software package for e-invoicing.